The Advising and Counseling Center assists students in making informed decisions pertaining to their academic, career, and personal goals. Our services are individualized to meet the needs of each student. The Advising and Counseling Center also provides services for students with special needs.

Our Location

Advising for college programs and courses is available on the first floor of the Catherine P. Cornelius Student Services Classroom Complex, Building B, Room 152, and at the DeSoto, Hardee, and Lake Placid locations. Students may schedule an appointment by calling 784-7131 or by emailing Advising and Counseling.


  • Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

*These hours may change during the summer term and be extended during peak times throughout the year. 

Who is required to see a counselor or advisor?

The Advising and Counseling Center invites all students to benefit from its services; however, the following students are required to see an advisor before registering for college and occupational credit courses.

  • All new degree-seeking (students pursuing an AA, AS, BSN, BSEE, or certificate program) and students not seeking degrees
  • All students enrolling in developmental courses
  • Students changing their majors
  • Students placed on academic probation or suspension
  • Transient students

Students are encouraged to speak with an advisor if they are experiencing academic or personal difficulties that may have a negative impact on their academic performance.

Students who are completing an Associate in Arts degree are advised to see an advisor frequently to ensure they receive the most current transfer information available.

Visit Different Methods of Instruction Available to SFSC Students to learn about the variety of courses available to you.