The Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management offers a specialization in Criminal Justice to allow students who are interested in Criminal Justice and individuals who are currently working in the field to expand their skills and prepare them for leadership positions in Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Probation.
Students will learn about:
- Applied management practices
- Leadership development
- Accounting
- Basic human resource management practices
Graduates can pursue management roles, such as:
- Police Supervisor
- Probation Officer
- Corrections Supervisor
- Federal Agent
- CSI Supervisor
- Court Administrator
Course Examples (for a larger list, visit the College Catalog):
- American Corrections
- Courts and the Criminal Justice System
- Comparative Criminal Justice
- Global Terrorism
- Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
- Capstone Experience in Criminal Justice
This upper-level coursework is offered fully online.
Length: 120 Credits (approximately two years)
Dr. John McLaughlin
Director, Criminal Justice Programs
Highlands Campus, Criminal Justice Academy
Office: 863-784-7281