Phi Beta Lambda
This business organization is for students in postsecondary colleges who are enrolled in business courses and are developing related competencies. Though this organization works with the Florida Business Association, it is not all work; members do have fun.
What’s exciting?
- Conferences
- Travel
- Making friends
- Competition
Getting ahead
A big part of PBL are the competitive events. As you develop business skills in areas such as management, public speaking, marketing, and economics, you can then test your skills against others in PBL to win at the district, state or even national level.
Imagine building a portfolio of documented accomplishment as a complement to your academic experience. During a job interview, you can demonstrate how you served in a leadership position for the largest collegiate business student organization in the world.
At the same time, you will have entered one or more professional competitive events where you have finished as one of the very best in the state or even the nation.
Travel the Country! PBL takes you to major business centers throughout the United States as you attend conferences in cities like Orlando, FL: Nashville, TN: and Anaheim, CA. You will get to know people in your state and across the nation at PBL sponsored events.
Win money! Network! Learn to lead! Develop friendships! Gain valuable experience! Earn recognition! All of these adventures and more await you when you become a member of PBL.
- Future Business Leaders of America Website
- Club Advisor: Jennifer Groves