Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society that recognizes and encourages scholarship among college associate and baccalaureate degree-seeking students. SFSC’s chapter, Tau Epsilon, was founded in 1968. The society provides an opportunity to develop leadership and service, promotes an intellectual climate for scholars, and fosters a continued interest in academic excellence. Eligible students must be currently enrolled in a college credit degree program and must have earned 12 or more college credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher. You do not need to be a full-time student to be eligible for membership.

Our Mission

Phi Theta Kappa’s mission is two-fold:

  • Recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students and;
  • Provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service, and fellowship programming.

What can Phi Theta Kappa do for you?

  • Validate your academic success
  • We think it’s cool to be smart! We reward your hard work and top grades with membership in the world’s oldest and largest community college honor society.
  • Empower you for future success
  • The transition to college isn’t easy, whether you are entering directly after high school or after years outside the classroom. We can help, with support from your campus chapter and real resources built around the needs of community college students.
  • Expand your academic horizons
  • Use our honors program, Honors in Action, and your research and leadership skills to engage in problem-solving and make a difference through service.
  • Develop “soft” skills
  • Learn about effective written and oral communications, leadership skills, critical thinking, time management and teamwork through Five Star Competitive Edge professional development plan.
  • Keep you on track to complete college
  • Connect you to our world of scholars

Be part of a global network of students through Phi Theta Kappa’s website, Facebook, Twitter and cutting-edge technology available 24/7, providing complete programming access to distance learners and evening students.


To be eligible for membership:

  • You must be enrolled in a regionally accredited institution offering an associate degree program.
  • You must have completed at least 12 hours of course work that may be applied to an associate degree (part-time students may be eligible*).
  • You must have an overall grade point average of 3.25.
  • You must receive an invitation to membership from the chapter at the college where you’re currently enrolled.
  • You must adhere to the moral standards of the society.

For more information, visit PTK online.
