Admissions Survival Skills

The following information will assist you in planning and successfully completing your educational/vocational goals.

Did you know?
  • You need to provide proof of Florida residency to qualify for in-state tuition.
  • You need to have a high school diploma or GED to enroll in certain programs of study.
  • Your placement test scores (ACT, SAT, PERT, TABE) should be on file with the Admissions Office before you can register for classes.
  • You must provide your high school/GED transcripts and any transcripts from other colleges you have previously attended.
  • You must have a valid Social Security Number.
  • You must notify the registrar to receive Tech Prep/School To Work credit.
  • You must update your application if you were a dual enrollment student at SFSC while you were in high school but have not taken classes at SFSC within the past year.

State of Florida Residency requirements