Earn Your High School Diploma

General Educational Development (GED)®

The South Florida State College Adult Education program can open doors to your future career. GED® Prep instructors will help you identify your occupational interests and meet your educational and career goals.

We’re Ready to meet you where you are. 

This program provides a flexible yet friendly learning environment that begins at your current educational level and allows you to progress at your own pace.

Our highly trained instructors design an agenda that is tailor-made to help you develop the skills needed to pass the GED® exams: reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical reasoning, Science, and Social Studies. Attending face-to-face classes will make you 75% more likely to pass the GED® exam on the first try. Upon passing the four subject area tests of the GED® exam, you will earn a State of Florida High School Diploma.

Program Information

The GED® Prep program is available to residents of Florida 16 years of age or older who do not have a high school diploma.

However, the minimum age to sit for the GED® exam is 18. Candidates who are 16 or 17 must meet the following criteria to be eligible to take the GED® exam:

  • Be withdrawn from high school
  • Attend GED® preparatory classes
  • Receive verification of completion skills levels from the GED® prep classroom instructor (Early Testing Waiver)
  • Receive written permission from school district personnel

Open Enrollment. Apply Anytime!

Daytime and evening classes are available at these GED® Prep class locations:

Avon Park
SFSC Highlands Campus
Bill Sachsenmaier Hall
(Building H)

Bowling Green
SFSC Hardee Campus
Room 206

Lake Placid
SFSC Lake Placid Center
Room 200

Click on the Link Below to Begin the Admission Process

Apply to the GED® Program

SFSC Tutoring

Students enrolled in the Adult Education GED Prep program can receive free tutoring at SFSC’s Tutoring and Learning Center. More information can be found at southflorida.edu/current-students/student-support-resources/tutoring-learning-center.

Attend Skills Training Courses While You Study to Pass Your GED®

It is our goal to help open doors to your future career. GED® Prep staff will help you identify your occupational interests and meet your educational and career goals.

Want to get started on a career path now? As a GED® Prep student at SFSC, you may qualify to co-enroll in skills training programs through the Corporate and Community Education Department or in Career Certificate courses through SFSC’s Division of Applied Sciences and Technologies.

Co-enrollment programs include:

Call SFSC’s Adult Education team to find out more information.

Let SFSC be part of your success story! 


Office of Adult Education

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