AVON PARK, Fla. – Oct. 28, 2016 – Basic and advanced firefighting techniques will be taught Wednesday-Sunday, Nov. 9-13, when the Great Florida Fire School comes South Florida State College’s Highlands Campus.

The Great Florida Fire School is a cooperative effort between the Florida State Fire College, local emergency services, and educational institutions like SFSC. Its mission is to continue the education and training of the fire and rescue community. Classes are taught by fire school and SFSC instructors.

Courses are geared to firefighters and emergency rescue workers of all experience levels. Students can practice firefighting techniques and learn about aerial operations, rescue maneuvers, use of equipment, medical care for blast injuries, firefighter safety when dealing with explosives, and many other facets of the profession. They can also learn how to recognize stress, protect themselves from HIV/AIDS, and cope with other physical and mental challenges of firefighting.

Classes are scheduled 8 a.m.-5 p.m. for periods ranging from two hours to 45 hours over the course of five days.  Many classes provide continuing education credits. For a flat fee of $125, students can take as many classes as they can fit into their schedule.

In the past, the Great Florida Fire School has drawn more than 200 firefighters from all over the state to the SFSC Highlands Campus.

For more information and to register for classes, visit the Great Florida Fire School on the web or call 800-883-4817. You may also call Lorrie Key, director, SFSC’s Corporate and Continuing Education Department, at 784-7033 or email corporateeducation@southflorida.edu.