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AVON PARK, Fla. – Sept. 27, 2016 – South Florida State College will host an information session on its study abroad program on Wednesday, Sept. 28, 6– 7 p.m., on the SFSC Highlands Campus in building B, Room 112.
The information session will cover details about a weeklong trip to the United Kingdom titled “London: The City Experience” in May 2017. Drs. Sonji Nicholas and Theresa James, professors in the Division of Arts and Sciences, will lead the information session.
The trip includes air fare, hotels, breakfasts, several dinners, and visits to many notable London landmarks led by a full-time tour guide, including use of a bus. The information session will review the itinerary, program highlights, and the price. Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop so that they can sign up for the program during the information session.
The itinerary includes visits to Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Piccadilly Circus, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Windsor Castle, St. George’s Chapel, and Queen Mary’s Doll House.
Also included are guided tours of the Tower of London and the British Museum. A highlight of the trip will be a visit to the Warner Brothers Studio Harry Potter Experience. An optional excursion to Stonehenge and Bath are available.
Enrolling is easy and includes a $95 deposit. The program price increases each month, so participants are encouraged to lock in the lower price early.
This year, Drs. Nicholas and James, along with a committee of faculty, have revived SFSC’s overseas travel program, including plans to offer academic credit for completing the program, as well as creating a clearinghouse for travel opportunities throughout the state.
Those interested in the study abroad program should plan to attend the information session, where they can ask questions and receive printed information. Attendees can add their email to a mailing list to learn about future trips, and put in a choice for future destinations.
The SFSC Highlands Campus is located at 600 W. College Dr., Avon Park. For more information on the session, contact Dr. James at 863-784-7185 or jamest@southflorida.edu.