Safety Awareness
Campus Safety
- Familiarize yourself with the layout of the campus. Survey the campus while classes are in session and after dark to see that academic buildings, walkways, facilities, and parking lots are adequately secured and well-lighted.
- Plan the safest route to your destination; choose well-lighted, busy pathways and streets.
- Program your cell phone for Campus Security 863-453-0806.
- Share your class schedule with your parents and trusted friends and give them your telephone numbers.
- At night, stick to well-lighted areas whenever possible and avoid alleyways or “short cuts” through isolated areas.
- Travel in groups and avoid going out alone at night.
- If you are being followed, change direction and go to the nearest business or home; knock on the door, and request that someone call the Police. Note the description of the person following you.
- Walk near the curb and avoid shrubbery or other places of potential concealment.
- Tell a friend or roommate where you are going and what time you expect to return.
- Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
- Follow your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, change directions, go to a security call station or into a public building, or call Campus Security 863-453-0806.
- Carry your purse close to your body and keep a firm grip on it; carry your wallet in an inside coat pocket or your front pant pocket.
- Keep your keys separate from your purse or backpack.
- Don’t overload yourself with bags or packages and avoid wearing shoes that restrict your movements.
- Walk with a confident stride; keep your head up and look around.
- If a motorist stops and asks for directions, keep your distance from the car.
- Know where the emergency Security call stations are located on campus and learn how to use them.
Theft Protection
- When leaving your home or office, lock doors and windows even if you will be gone for “just a minute.”
- Never leave your purse, wallet, backpack, cell phone or valuables unattended in public places (cafeteria, student center, library, empty classrooms or a like). Be especially careful with your credit cards, which are very popular items among thieves because they are usually easy to steal and then use again. Consider obtaining a credit card with your photo imprinted on it.
- Computers, especially if they are portable, are primary targets of theft. Consider the purchase of a locking security or tracking device.
- Engrave computers, stereos, and televisions with your driver’s license number (including home state) or department name. Do not engrave on removable serial number plates.
- Keep a list of all items and serial numbers in a safe place.
- Never prop open a locked door.
Motor Vehicle Safety

- Park in well lighted areas, where your vehicle is visible; avoid parking next to vans or trucks.
- Keep all items out of sight, especially valuables. Remove or place CD Players, I-Pods, Laptop Computers, GPS Units, etc. in the trunk.
- Service your vehicle regularly to avoid breakdowns.
- Keep your vehicle locked and the windows rolled up at all times.
- When leaving your car for service, remove your other keys.
- Have your key ready when you approach your car. Before getting in, check inside and under your car to make sure no one is hiding.
Recognizing Suspicious Circumstances
The Security Department encourages students, faculty, staff and guests at SFSC to report any suspicious circumstances observed. Below are several activities that draw suspicion:
- Persons monitoring areas, entrances to buildings or buildings
- Persons wandering in residence halls or buildings that appear to have no legitimate purpose.
- Unauthorized persons in restricted or sensitive areas.
- Persons requesting sensitive information, building /HVAC plans, water, electrical, telecommunications locations, etc.
- Persons wearing clothing not consistent with weather conditions (i.e. persons(s) wearing full length trench coats with boots in 80 degree weather).
- Persons abandoning packages, backpacks, briefcases in unusual areas, such as high traffic/high populated areas, i.e.: sporting events, lectures, common areas, etc.
- Persons attempting to access utility rooms.
- Multiple persons who appear to be working in consort, committing any of the above.
- Unusual powders or liquids/droplets/mists/clouds especially found near intake/HVAC systems or enclosed spaces.
- Dead animals/birds, fish, insects.
- Unexplained/unusual odors. Smells may range from fruity/flowers to sharp/pungent, garlic/horseradish-like, bitter almonds, peach kernels and newly mowed grass/hay
- Unusual/unscheduled spraying or discovery of spray devices or bottles.
- A group of individuals sitting in a parked vehicle that appears to be monitoring pedestrian behavior.
- Abandoned vehicles, or unfamiliar parked vehicles, especially near sensitive areas.
Identity Theft
At SFSC protecting your identity is taken very serious. If you would like to find additional information on this topic or feel you are a victim of this crime, please visit the SFSC Privacy Web pages.