
It’s an exciting time at South Florida State College.

Using our solid reputation for regional academic excellence as a springboard, we are stretching our reach and looking to the future. We are poised on the threshold of tomorrow. We have new leadership and a bold new vision that will propel South Florida State College into the next half century and beyond, transforming the lives of the people and the communities we serve. 

It’s a long term plan that includes the passionate pursuit of bigger and broader academic avenues with the purpose of ensuring that South Florida State College creates maximum impact for its students, the local economy, and the community every day. We will make this happen through leadership, innovation, and the development of a workforce that will attract world-class partners, which will in turn create the need for an even larger workforce and spearhead the growth of the local economy and the region. This is an in-depth and purposeful plan with multiple facets. In order to see it come to fruition, we need a transformational level of trust, support, and giving, which is why we created The Partnership Project. 

The Partnership Project is a five-year SFSC Foundation Capital Campaign initiative designed to raise ten million dollars to fuel the new vision of South Florida State College and to ensure a bright, bold future for this generation and those to come. 

A campaign like this will take legacy-level generosity. It will take bold partners who are equally passionate about the economic development of our region, the education of its people, and the training of its workforce.



A clear vision has the power to move us from what we are to what we aspire to become.

Once upon a time, the vision of South Florida State College was to enrich communities through education … one student at a time. One glance at the number of people served by our three campuses today clearly indicates that the authors of that early vision can take a bow. South Florida State College is an exemplary community college that has been enriching lives in the Heartland for half a century. That challenge has clearly been met. It was time to create a new vision: one with the power to drive the college for the next fifty years, inspiring growth, increased enrollment, advanced academic reputation, and endowment; one that will excite and energize our faculty, staff and students; one that will have maximum impact on our communities and our region. First we did our homework. We held ten workshops, meeting with faculty, staff, administration, local business leaders, and community advisors at all three campus locations. We gathered information, documented input, and distilled common themes. Then, armed with facts and fantastic ideas, our leadership team created South Florida State College’s new rallying cry.




Vision Pillars

At its core, South Florida State College is a teaching and learning institution with a faculty and staff of talented, skilled, and committed professionals who suit up and show up to run the business of the school every day. These six pillars rise from this core to support the new vision. The Partnership Project allows us to nurture and grow each of these supportive pillars equally and simultaneously; as they grow in stature and strength, reputation and reach, so will the college.



The ability to drive regional transformation first and foremost requires bold leadership. For half a century, South Florida State College has delivered quality education and a well-trained workforce throughout the region. Today, we are prepared to present an even brighter vision for the future by leading the drive to expand our workforce through program innovation and bold collaboration.



Today’s college students are changing at a rapidly accelerating rate. We live in a 24/7 society in which the switch is always on and curriculum is consumed in a variety of ways. The population we serve is diverse in age, education, economics, and ethnicity. In order to continue to deliver quality education with maximum impact, South Florida State College must proactively remain relevant to our students by monitoring and adapting our academic programs and practices and keeping a local focus on the global pulse.



When South Florida State College opened its doors in 1965, the first classes were held in a hotel, and library books were housed in an empty grocery store. Today, the college is the educational star of the tri-country region, with campuses that feature state of the art classrooms and beautifully-stocked libraries that serve several hundred students a day. It’s undeniable: South Florida State College today is an exemplary regional institution. And we have an even bigger and brighter vision for tomorrow. By offering premiere academic programs and developing collaborative partnerships that will attract students from beyond the region, we will transform South Florida State College into a destination college of choice.



Technology is at the foundation of South Florida State College, and for years we have used that base as a springboard to grow both the college and the community, expertly training and staffing the region’s workforce. With The Partnership Project resources, we can push the envelope of academic enterprise even higher, focusing on local issues and solutions and developing transferable technology with bold collaborative partners who understand the immense potential for this local college to 
have global impact.



At South Florida State College, quality is the key and it always will be. Every person involved – leadership, faculty, administration, and staff – holds to an unparalleled standard of personal excellence that allows us to deliver personalized education experiences to each and every student each and every day. The Partnership Project will provide the fuel for tomorrow’s pursuit of new programs of study and areas of professional development that will raise our pillar of quality ever higher.



Our leadership team is constructing transformational academic programs. Our faculty, staff, and administration are ready and willing to deliver these transformational products and practices to our students. Potential academic collaborators will be contacted. Our students are working toward transformational careers. All of these things are happening and will continue to happen … anything is possible for SFSC today … if you are willing to partner with us in a transformational way.



The Partnership Project will provide South Florida State College with the resources and flexibility to direct additional funds to areas of strategic and timely importance. It’s the fuel we need as we begin to shape the future of the college, our students, and our communities.

Please, partner with us. 

Call: 863-453-3133


South Florida State College Foundation
600 W. College Drive
Avon Park, FL 33825