Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m-5 p.m.
You can make payments at any SFSC campus or center, or pay online at Panther Central.
- SFSC accepts cash, money orders, personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover for payment at the Highlands, DeSoto, Hardee Campuses and Lake Placid Center.
- Other fees, such as student invoices, parking fines, and library fines, can be paid at the Cashier’s Office.
- Register for parking and obtain parking decals at the Highlands Campus Cashier’s Office.
- All third-party billings (employer, off-campus source, Florida Prepaid College Tuition Program, etc.) must be pre-authorized for payment prior to registration. Students are responsible to take a copy of their authorization to bill to the Cashier’s Office or an off-campus site. Failure to do so may cause your registration to be canceled.
- Payment of fees must be received no later than the payment due date. Otherwise, classes will be dropped for non-payment.
See the Registrar’s Web site or the term schedule for fees and drop dates. - All official college communication relating to enrollment, financial aid and tax reporting is found on Panther Central.
Fees can be paid online or at any SFSC campus or center.
DeSoto Campus | Hardee Campus | Lake Placid Center |
2251 N.E. Turner Ave. Arcadia, FL 863-993-1757 |
2968 U.S. 17 North Bowling Green, FL 863-773-3081 |
500 East Interlake Blvd. Lake Placid, FL 33852 863-784-7080 |
How Students Can Access IRS Form 1098-T
South Florida State College students can access their 1098-T SFSC tax information for the current year in Panther Central.
- Login to Panther Central.
- Click on your Student tab.
- Go to My Student Account section.
- Click on Student Tax Information.
- Click Select a Tax Year. Enter the year and click Submit.
- Click Tax Notification to display the form.
- Right click and select Print to print the 1098-T form.
If you wish to receive your 1098-T in a paper format, send a request by email to cashierservices@southflorida.edu. Include the reason for the request, such as “Request a 1098-T paper form,” tax year, name and Student ID Number. The form will be mailed to your address currently on file with SFSC.
For more information, call the Cashier’s Office at 784-7270 or 7242.