General Principles
Organization and Governance
Education and Student Services
Curriculum and Instruction
Academic Standards
Student Enrollment
Student Assistance
Student Extracurricular Activities
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Business and Fiscal Services
Human Resources
Planning and Institutional Advancement
Direct Support Organizations
General Principles
1031 Notification of Change of Status, Including Voluntary Withdrawal from Accreditation
1050 Seating Access for the Mobility Impaired at Performances
1051 Service Animals on College Grounds and in College Facilities
1070 Alcohol and Drug-Free Campus and Workplace
1090 Faculty and Administrative Grievance Procedure
1091 Career Service and Professional Staff Grievance Procedure
1092 Correcting the Actions of Career Service and Professional Staff Employees
1093 Correcting the Actions of Faculty Personnel
1094 Final Paycheck – Terminated Employment
1095 Student Complaint/Grievance Procedure
1101 Substitution Courses for Students with Disabilities
1160 Materials Produced by Employees
1180 Student-Athlete Substance Abuse Testing
Organization and Governance
2040 Development and Adoption of Policies
2041 Development and Adoption of an Administrative Procedure
2060 Fraud Reporting Procedure
2063 Circulation by Library Services of Educational Materials
2064 Acquisition of Library Materials
2065 Use of College Multimedia Production Facilities
2070 Insurance on Newly Completed Construction Projects
2074 Responsibility for College Property and Property Records
2090 Development of All Non-Classroom College Publications
2092 Deletion of Courses from College Curriculum Inventory
2100 Release of Information to the Public
2150 College Record Retention and Disposal of College Records
2151 Inspection, Examination, and Duplication of College Records
2154 Student Records – Security, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Destruction
2155 Information Systems Security
2157 Identity Theft Prevention Program
2158 Maintenance of Archived College Catalogs
2200 Role of Faculty in Governance of the College
2220 Responding to a Public Records Request
Education and Student Services
Curriculum and Instruction
3010 Cultural Programming Guidelines on Freedom of Expression
3030 Academic Program Review Procedures
Academic Standards
3100 Instructor Withdrawal of Students from Classes
3101 Academic Standards of Progress
3102 Standards of Progress for Students on Financial Aid
3110 Evaluating Regionally Accredited Institutional Credit
3111 Evaluating Non-Regionally Accredited Institutional Credit
3112 Awarding Accelerated/Experiential Learning Credit(s)
3113 Awarding Credit for Non-Credit Courses
Student Enrollment
3151 Admission to Dual Enrollment Programs and Collegiate High School
3152 Verification of Student Identity in Distance Education and Electronic Courses
3160 Student Admission Process
3161 Admission of International Students
Student Assistance
3221 Student Work Study Employees
3230 Student Financial Aid Information
Student Extracurricular Activities
3280 Establishing Student Organizations and Clubs
3281 Business Procedures for Student Activities
3283 Scheduling Student Activities
3285 Students Representing the College at Off-Campus Activities
Student Rights and Responsibilities
3330 Student Process for Recommending Institutional Changes
3332 Admission/Readmission of a Registered Sex Offender
3340 Solicitation on College-Owned or Operated Facilities by Students
3370 Religious Observance – Students
3380 Intercollegiate Student-Athlete Compensation and Rights
Business and Fiscal Services
4030 Budget Development and Budget Amendment Procedure
4040 Purchasing of Goods and Services
4090 Cash Collection and Receipting Procedure
4111 Graduation Application Fees
4114 Lab/Course and Distance Learning Fees
4221 Grants and Contracts Personnel Activity Reports
4222 Cost Principles for Federal Grants
4223 Conflict of Interest Procedure for Grant Awards
4224 Grant Procedures – Cash Management
4225 Additional Procurement Procedures for Purchases from Federal Grants
4226 Affirmative Procurement Programs for Federal Grant Purchases
Human Resources
5010 Staff and Professional Development Committee
5011 Professional Development Funding for Workshops/Conferences
5012 Professional Development Funding for Education Coursework
5021 Employee Enrollment in Courses at South Florida State Colleges
5022 Ticket Discount for Full-Time Employees and Retirees
5030 Staff and Faculty Separation
5040 Evaluation of Full-Time and Adjunct Faculty
5041 Evaluation of Professional Staff and Career Service Employees
5042 Evaluation of Administrators
5043 Employee Reappointment and Evaluations
5060 Professional Standards for Faculty: Exceptions
5061 Advancement in Rank of Faculty
5070 Reappointment and Termination Procedures for Annual Contract Employees
5071 Establishing New Positions
5080 Reclassification of Positions
5090 Probationary Performance and Review System
5140 Salary Schedule and Compensation
5141 Salary Equity Adjustments
5142 Salary Determination for Employees in Grant-Funded Positions
5143 Determining Career Service and Professional Employee Starting Salaries
5160 Holiday Pay, Overtime Pay, Compensatory Time, and Call-In Pay
5190 Physical and/or Psychological/Psychiatric Examinations
5210 Cooperation During Fact Finding
5220 Workload for Full-Time Instructional Faculty
5221 Course Overloads and Enrollment Minimums
5222 Staffing: Use of Part-Time and Adjunct Personnel
5223 Workweek – Professional Staff and Career Service Employees
5224 Flex-Time Scheduling for All Administrators
5230 Discrimination, Harassment, and/or Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
5232 Mandatory Reporting for Child/Vulnerable Adult Abuse
5240 Employee Recruitment and Selection
5242 Instructional Leadership: Department Chair, Program Director, and Program Manager Selection
5244 Dismissal or Suspension of Employees
5245 Demotion of Career Employees
5246 Promotion of Career Employees
Planning and Institutional Advancement
6010 Student Access to Technology Resources
7010 Contracting Architectural, Engineering, and Other Professional Services
7011 Contracting Construction Manager Services
7020 Change Orders Affecting Construction Contracts/Final Payment
7034 Parking and Traffic Regulations
7035 Illness or Accidental Injury
7036.1 Security Video Surveillance
7040 Rental of Supplemental Facilities or Other Facilities to be Used by the College
7050 Use and Scheduling of College Facilities
7051 Trespassing and Loitering
7061 Emergency and Timely Warning Notifications
7070 Standard of Sanitation, Housekeeping, and Maintenance
Direct Support Organizations
8010 South Florida State College Foundation, Inc.