Career Center Job Postings
The Career Development Center provides expanded job-seeking service through partnerships with College Central Network and CareerSource Heartland Region 19.
Register for a free College Central Network account to access job postings, work-study opportunities, internships, job search tools, and resume and portfolio-building tools. College Central Network is primarily designed to help SFSC students and graduates search for jobs, but it is also available to the public. Job searches using this tool are primarily focused on field of study, college major, and career goals.
Career Development Center staff can help SFSC students, alumni, and the public create accounts with College Central Network and EFM. They can also help identify appropriate job openings and refer them to those positions for which they are well qualified. Public clients are referred to their local CareerSource Heartland office and provided general information about EFM.
Visit the Career Development Center for additional information and to access these services.
CareerSource Heartland
Looking for a job in DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, or Okeechobee counties? Go to CareerSource Heartland to explore hundreds of job listings to find employment opportunities and companies that are hiring in its quad-county region.
Through CareerSource Heartland, you can register for a free Employ Florida (EFM) account. EFM links all of Florida’s state and local workforce resources and provides information about thousands of jobs available locally and across the state. EFM is a powerful took for workers seeking employment, including SFSC students and alumni, and employers looking for the best candidates to fill open positions. Current data available on EFM includes a strategic mixture of job openings, career exploration, employer information, education, and labor market research information.
Community Job Postings
College Career Network lists job postings for open employment opportunities throughout the college’s service district of DeSoto, Hardee, and Highlands counties. Users are not required to be SFSC students to inquire about these positions through the Career Development Center. Visit your College Central Network account often to check for new listings.
Co-ops and Internships
Co-0p and Internship postings are for current SFSC students and SFSC alumni only. Visit the College Central Network to explore the nationwide internship database.
Internship provides opportunities to learn about careers and to gain valuable work experience, but no college credit is earned. Most internships are unpaid, although some provide a small salary.
Cooperative (Co-op) education provides opportunities to learn about careers by spending time in a typical workplace while also earning up to 3 hours of college credit in a term (up to a maximum of 7 credits total). Most co-op opportunities are unpaid, although occasionally paid positions are available. Contact the Career Development Center to arrange a co-op experience.
Work Study Positions
Each term student employment is available at SFSC campuses for short-term or temporary assignments through the Work Study Program. Work Study provides you an opportunity to earn extra income to assist with educational costs, and to gain valuable real-world work experience. Through a Work Study assignment, you work in a variety of college departments, assisting with clerical work and other support duties as assigned. You earn the current minimum wage per hour for a maximum of 10 to 20 hours per week.
To qualify, you must apply for this program and meet financial and academic guidelines. Contact the Career Development Center to learn more about the process and submit your Work Study Application. Then, log into College Central Network to search and apply for work-study positions. You can also create your resume (required as part of the work-study application process) on College Central Network.
Contact the Career Development Center
Highlands Campus
Building B, Room 111
All services are free. Most services are available to students and the public.