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South Florida State College’s Tau Epsilon Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa inducted 24 new students on Nov. 19. Phi Theta Kappa is the honor society for students enrolled in two-year academic programs at state and community colleges.
AVON PARK, Fla. – Nov. 19, 2021 –SFSC inducted 24 students into its Tau Epsilon chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) honor society on Friday, Nov. 19.
With families and fellow students looking on, the inductees recited an oath of membership, joining the honor society that recognizes distinguished academic achievement by students enrolled in two-year academic programs.
The guest speaker was Dr. Mark Bukowski, SFSC’s dean of student services. He advised students not to dwell on day-to-day annoyances but to focus on making an impact that would last into the future. He encouraged each new inductee to look for their own unique ways to be helpers to their fellow students and in their communities.
“Leave a lasting impression on people you work with and see every day. Never take for granted the effect you have on other people. You may not think about it on a daily basis, but you have a huge effect on other people’s lives and how successful they are.”
Dr. Bukowski said simple courtesy goes a long way in sustaining other people and that a simple smile to another person passing by in the hall may be the only encouragement they’ve had all day.
“Remember, we’re all fundamentally the same,” Dr. Bukowski said. “We want to be appreciated. We want to feel secure. We want to meet our potential. We want to have the opportunity to be successful. No matter what your demographic or what kind of background you come from, we all want to be treated with respect and to reach our potential. These are things that begin with each one of us helping to lay the groundwork for future generations.”
As the ceremony drew to a close, the inductees each signed the honor society’s membership book, recording their status as scholars of distinction at SFSC. When the auditorium lights dimmed, each scholar lit a candle signifying their fellowship in the society and received a white rose.
The 2021 PTK officers are Katherine Summers, president; Chiya Gilliam, vice president; Navishti Singh, secretary; Suzanne DelGrosso, treasurer; and Carol Mitchell, public relations.